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Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 2...what the cuteness



I told Coco to look at her Daddy and this is what she did. She was in a good mood and thank goodness, cause this little girls moods are like the world's biggest pendulum and it was swingin my way tonight.
So this photo a day thing is going to be hard. But my love of photography is growing and I am getting better every time I shoot. This next week will be a montage of our family outing Sunday night. It is for nights like those that I love living in Utah. Every time I hear (or write that phrase for that matter), that song -"This is living in Utah with the Timberlodge collection" obnoxiously runs through my head. Now I hope it does the same thing through yours. Your welcome.


Ellie McFreaken said...

LOVING these pictures Carrie!!!!!What a great moment you captured!
Okay so I told myself I was not going to get on this stupid computer this morning and I've already been on for an hour!!
Glad I got to see your blog but now it's off to cleaning!!!!

Leah said...

So priceless Carrie!

mandmstrong said...

LOVE, love the picture every day idea! Your kids make beautiful subjects. Yes, even when pitching a fit : )

Lindy Johnson said...

adorable! can't wait until tomorrow!

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Carrie Elton Photography