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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Another Newborn Shoot....

Today I was able to take some pictures of this little angel. Just under two weeks old...and only one pee accident and poop free. A success to be sure. I love doing newborns!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My little cherub

I am so in love. I really should be on the treadmill as I just put this little one down but I just had to post about him. Seriously, he is the most darling little cherub. Lately his new thing is to turn away from you, wait for you to say his name, then throw back his head and laugh like crazy. It is so priceless. This child is an angel during the day, and the devil at night.. but that is a whole new post and may have something to do with four incisors coming down at once.

Monday, December 8, 2008

photo editing

WOOOEEEYYY... the photo editing business is a lot harder than I thought. I am getting a lot better at shooting good shots straight out the camera but I have a lot to learn about photoshop. But I love it. It is now midnight and I promised myself I had to get to bed by then. This is what I worked on tonight. One I like to call "Cheese ball but you can't help but love a Christmas baby in a big Red Bow" and "Womb shot" (because there was a shot that looked similar to this is my 10 grade bio class of a highly specialized photo of a baby in a womb.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mid-life Crisis

So last night a friend of mine implied that she has had enough of seeing Coco in her panties. So here goes a new post. Life for me has been strange lately. I think I am going through an early mid-life crisis. Can anyone relate? I am starting to recognize my own mortality and am feeling like I have so little time left. I know I sound morbid. I think I feel this way when I make my list of goals for the day and it has the following items...

Clean David's room
Clean up playroom, get rid of old toys (possibly organize a neighborhood toy exchange)?
Do 4 loads of laundry
Only let my kids watch 1 hour of TV
Make dinner, clean up main living area.
Scrub kitchen floor
Remember to apply Coco's medicine
Get Danny new Running Shoes - get them sent off.

That is truly what is on my list.

This is what I thought my list would like like when I was young

Pay the maid
8:00 a.m. appt. with Personal Trainer
Meet with publicist, stylist
Shop for gift for Dinner party
2:30 MET rehearsal
5:45 Audition for The Magic Flute
8:00 Dinner party with So and So

Right now, I'm not sure if I wouldn't trade one for the other.
I know...terrible.

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Carrie Elton Photography