
The Website

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Growing...Growing....way to fast.

Do you think it's time to get this cherub out of the bassinet or should I wait until her skull is pressing up against the metal at the top?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

While Daddy is at School....

Mom drags us around and takes pictures of us, trying to find good new shoot locations.

All the while bribing us that we can go to Mcdonald's if we will just sit here, or turn this way or put our arms around each other so that she can get the shot...and then she has the gall to take us to Wendy's instead. She says it's because it is closer and it will take sooooooo long to get to McDonalds, but we are pretty sure it's because she doesn't like the salads.

She's running for Mother of the Year. Anyone want to nominate her?

P.S. In her defense, she was going to take us to the gym and put us in the daycare but instead she took us us to the park to eat our fast food and ran us to death, pushed us on the swings and played in the sand...would you say she redeemed herself?

Sunday morning I woke up to this little girl standing by my bed with one hand on her little hip,"Today mom, I am going to pick out your outfit and then I will do your make-up."

Heaven knows and all my neighbors for that matter know I need it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

And the Winners Are.......

And the winner is........

The Young Beautiful Woman who lived in a shoe who had so many children (7 under 7..a set of twins and triplets) she daily calmly mothers them in a way I totally admire.


Wait for it.....Wait for it......

Another young Beautiful Woman who comes from out of State....and lives in the countryside.....and raises 4 of the most handsome boys you have ever seen. (who has some seriously darling home decorating ideas)

Can you guess...only people who went to high school with me will guess.

Amber Timms Kindred and Marianne Strong!

These two really pulled out all the stops the last couple of days! ( I promise this has nothing to do with them being 2 of my best friends in high school)


And here's the other great news...

Winners of the $100 bucks for a full family shoot.....

Marlynn Byers
And Tori Westbroek Byers
and tied for 3rd.....
Rebecca Bush Buchert and Rebecca Pincock

(Ladies please email me at if you want to book your 2 shoot times a week are filling up fast)

And I appreciated all your entries and interest and to show you how much.....

I am offering all entrants (you know who you are) the chance to get 20 dollars off your family photo shoot if you can book me before July 1st. After that my rates are going up....and my schedule is getting tight so book now!

I will travel to Utah or Cache County for people I really like or people I don't yet know (everyone) and if you can get a friend to do a shoot on the same day (one in the am on in the pm) I will waive the $20 travel fee.

And Last...but certainly not least

Been wondering what those darling pictures are up top? I am running a special promotion right now. If you buy a fully customizable fine art print from Peek-a-Boo Prints before your photoshoot, you will get the same amount you spent off your you get a shoot and a fine art Children's print that can even have your child's name and hair color and your shoot for the same price as just a shoot! . Go to this website to view lots more! Peek-A-Boo Prints They are beautiful!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Urgent...Need Information

The Contest....

Hello friends who have entered...if you had a friend become a fan of my facebook page, please let me know so I can count that vote...


This is Coco. For those of you who don't know her...I wish you did. For those of you who do , what one word would you use to describe her?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

More Ways to Increase your Chances of Winning! a friend of mine suggested some more ways to enter and increase your chance of winning the free photoshoot or the Big Discounted here's all the ways now and there are still 3 and a half days left.

1. leave a comment on my blog
2. become a follower of my blog (new)
3. become a fan of my facebook page
4. post the contest on your facebook page for all your friends
to see and hey ask them to enter for you if they live out of my area! (new)
5. post the contest on your blog
6. contact me through my website
7. And here's how to get the most entries of all....have all your friends do all of the above in your name and help you increase your chances of winning! (just make sure they or you let me know that they are doing it for you)

On a personal note...I don't know if I can ever do a contest like this again. I want everyone to win. I really do. It's bizarre. It's really not as if I think I am the best photographer out there. Believe me, I know I am not. But , as most of you know (those who are my friends, know how much I love pictures. I love taking them, I love editing them, but most of all I seriously get excited to give the gift of a really great picture to someone else and I wish I could give free photoshoots to everyone...but that would mean I would have limitless amounts of time and all the money in the world to buy equipment. But let's be honest here, yes there is a free shoot on the line but you are all really helping me to get exposure and for that I am grateful....Thank you thank you thank you.....

I am also taking entrants who live in the Boise and San Francisco East Bay area or the San Diego/Orange County area (photos to be taken sometime this summer). There will be one winner from Utah and one from out of state (possible areas mentioned above).
Also the top three runner ups in both Utah and Out of State will be given the opportunity to get a complete shoot with a high resolution CD for just $100! So get all your friends and family to contact me and vote for did that just make any sense?
Contest will close Sunday April 18th at midnight! Happy Entering! If you have any questions about how to enter just let me know!

P.S. the winner must be willing to allow me to use their low resolution photos as part of my online portfolio. Please dont' enter if you are not willing to let me do this!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Here's some more from my latest shoot. SO just wondering if these pics look pixelated on your screen. They are a little on mine...I think it must be the slideshow feature I am using from Photobucket...I may have to post these individually. Also a friend of mine said to me recently, remember when you used to post about your life on your blog and not just every darn picture you ever take? WEll it wasn't quite that harsh...but I have taken that to heart. From now on I am going to make a more concerted effort to write more and post less pictures. Well at least write more....Baby steps.

So here's a crazy one for you...on my shoot last Saturday, unbeknownst to me, there were mosquitos, a lot of mosquitos. But I was so busy I didn't even notice. THat night I was woken up by a nightmare....the itching was back, or so I thought. YOu know the itching from my pregnancy? My ankles and my knees were on fire. I went into the bathroom and large quarter size welts were starting to appear. Some got as big as golf balls.And they hurt like the dickens and itched like I don't even know what metaphor to use here...but it was bad folks, it was bad. So...apparently I was having a reaction to these 25-30 mosquito bites and it just got worse. It has now been 72 hours and I have been drugged up on benadryl to keep the swelling down...ready to fall asleep at any given moment. THen this morning when I was running I was in so much felt like someone was poking needles into every place there was a bite. I actually took some pics, but my legs look really fat in the picture. Maybe if I get brave I'll post them. Moral of the story...always wear repellent when you shoot at dusk.....

Sunday, April 11, 2010


So I want to drive people to my website and to my blog to view my work. Do you think if I had a contest and awarded the winner a free photo shoot people would respond? So this is what I am thinking...if you are or know someone in my area (I'd be willing to go as far as Logan to Provo) you would visit my website and contact me through the contact page. If you live outside of Utah but want to help someone in this area get a free photo would contact me in lieu of them. Only one contact per person but the contact could be for yourself or someone else living in this area....what to you think loyal blog readers? (this is one of those times when I would really appreciate your input)

This picture speaks for itself.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

No seriously....what do you think of my watermark?

I'm not sure why but when I ask a question on my blog, I have a hard time getting an answer...and I can see when you come know who you seriously, is the font weird or do you like it? SHould I change it, I want your opinion.....
Thought I would just make a slideshow of the shoot I did a couple of days ago. WHat do you think of my Watermark?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

um.....who is commenting on this blog in Chinese? Once, I thought a mistake, twice? Can't be a coincidence. So I took some pics of my sisters family over spring break. Isn't she gorgeous?


Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool's

This morning I was talking to my sister Katie on the phone. NO surprise I know, but what she said what quite suprising. See Katie has always been the biggest tease alive. Those of you who know her, know what I am talking about. Well, she informed me that she had no desire to play any jokes on anyone today. What, my world is totally upside down.. She has been married for just under a year, and she informed me that she thinks she is changing. I guess, cause she said, I just don't want to stress anyone out. Bizarro. I have had enough of April Fools already...Hello 4 inches of snow.....what the? But it was fun to go out with the kids and our sidekicks (our neighbors next door)...or rather we are their sidekicks and play one last better be one last time.

I love this face, especially because it is the one that looks remotely like me.
My own little Norse Viking
When I told my kids to put their arms around each other...Coco pulled a classic Coco move and refused. I should have told her to get as far away from david as she could. Anyone have any tips for a 3 year old with oppositional defiance disorder?
Freezing her little fingers in the snow but refusing to put on mittens.
Going to fetch our Side kicks...I'm pretty sure Gabe is in love with the little neighbor girl. HE wouldn't leave the porch til she got ready and came outside.

She finally came....

Interested in a Session?

Please visit my website for Current Pricing!

Carrie Elton Photography