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Saturday, April 17, 2010


This is Coco. For those of you who don't know her...I wish you did. For those of you who do , what one word would you use to describe her?


A and R said...

Darling picture Carrie, seriously, that's one of those classics that should be blown up huge and hung on the wall her kids and grandkids will hang it in their houses.
(Jealous of your skills!)

A and R said...

P.S. check out my blog (even if you don't feel sorry for me.)

gailtimms said...

Beautiful blog and yummy photos. Talented girl and darling kids.

Unknown said...

I can't even think of the right word for this girl, she is a mix between Anne of green gables, ANNIE and Savanah from Savanah smiles.

A and R said...

(is that a vote for me from my Mom?)

JACK-A-JAME? said...

Charlie's word is "finicky" or "sassy".
My word is incorrigible (in the best possible way)

Greg's word is "proud"

Perhaps the best word is just "Coco"

We love her to bits.

gailtimms said...


pieface said...

Coco - unforgettable.

We miss you Coco! Wish we saw you more. Anna talks about you ALL THE TIME!

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Carrie Elton Photography