
The Website

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

um.....who is commenting on this blog in Chinese? Once, I thought a mistake, twice? Can't be a coincidence. So I took some pics of my sisters family over spring break. Isn't she gorgeous?



A and R said...

YES, she's is. Your whole family is gorgeous!

(You never added me to your exercise blog, am I not allowed?)

pieface said...

Jennie looks awesome! Your photos are looking incredible Carrie. How fun! My kids were begging for pictures of their baby cousin, and are crying right now that I told them that it's time to turn off the computer and get ready for preschool. We have to see you guys, and soon!

Kami said...

Okay, I'm trying to vote for your contest, I don't have a blog so I think an option was to leave my vote here. I vote for Tory Byers!

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Carrie Elton Photography