I have been a sorry excuse for a blogger lately. Come to think of it, I have been a sorry excuse for most things in my life lately, a mother, a wife, a housekeeper. This pregnancy is about to do me in. Only a few more weeks and hopefully the nausea will end and I'll have a couple of months of glorious pregnancy until the dreaded itching starts. As I mentioned in my last post we made a very long and stupid trip to Vegas for 48 hours. But I'm glad we did it because we learned we will never, ever do something so idiotic again. I was too sick to even attempt taking pictures until our last pit stop before getting home. Lately I have been focusing too much on taking pictures of other people families and not my own. So here are some recent shot of us. I sure love my new remote shutter release which came in handy for this little family picture. Because there was absolutely no one to be found in this tiny Utah highway town. It was so lonely that I could even pee next the the Forestry Service building without the fear of being caught. By the way, have I ever told you how much I love my downstairs playroom? Like a blessed gift from above my oldest two have decided to play down there by themselves for the last 2 hours while Gabe has been asleep. They are finally getting past the fighting stage and are learning to play together sans fighting! P.S. Can you believe my husband's calves. That guy is in incredible shape. It's weird how the fatter I get the thinner and in better shape everyone else looks.
1 comment:
I miss you guys so so much! I love you! Those children....they are too cute! Can't wait to see you soon! Love, Katie
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