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Friday, June 5, 2009

I'm going to have to change the TItle of my Blog Soon!

Ok- so this is not my photo, but it is one I am super duper excited to post anyway and it is going to count as my photo of the day. Can you gues how old this baby is just by looking at it? If you can...that is how far along I am. What the....I cannot believe I am going to be the mother of 4 children!!!!

WE are headed down to Vegas this weekend for my James' friend's weeding. Not sure why I agreed to this - do I really want to ride in a car with small children while wanting to vomit the whole way? But my husband cleaned up the house after he came home from his 3 hours of THursday night basketball. So I guess I can make myself. To make it tolerable- I got a 4 star hotel for 45 bucks on priceline. ----I get such an adrenaline rush when I'm waiting for the site to tell me if a hotel has accepted my offer. The older I get the more I realize what a dork I am....


In the Hartland said...

WHAT THE HECK????? How is this possible?? You just had a baby!! My heavens, Carrie, you are truly the ultimate Fertile Myrtle! But, congratulations!! If this was planned, I am sure that you are so excited! If not, I'm sure you will become so excited! Wow. I am still in awe.....(seeing as though I have one and she is a month older than Gabe and I still can't think about having another one yet...but, maybe that is because I am still working a ton. Who knows. I'll quit rambling). Love you!

cynthiag said...

Wow!!! Congradulations to you.

A and R said...

Congrats, congrats! So exciting!
Here's to a healthy, uneventful pregnancy with no problems or sickness AT ALL! (a girl can wish can't she?)

Have a fun trip too!

Leah said...

Get out! You're totally making us look bad. Congratulations!!

Jackson Family said...

K Carrie, I am still not over the fact that you have Gabe now and you're preggers again!!! That is so exciting. I hope this pregnancy goes well and that the kids are forgiving if it gets difficult. We miss you so much! Hugs and prayers coming your way.

Lindy Johnson said...

are you still feeling good, or are you sick again? keep me posted, girlfriend!

kellibelli said...

UM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you. I cannot believe it! You are truly amazing. Are you going to be itching and everything again! I hope not. I cannot believe it! I still have not met GABE! I am so going to need to see you in august when you come to cali this time! Whatever it takes!

mandmstrong said...

That is WONDERFUL news! I'm so happy for you and your sweet little family. I'm feeling like four is a BIG number right now too since number 4 for me will be here in the next three weeks. Or less : ) a girl can hope.

Jen said...

Car- i cant believe how much photoghraphy you have been doing! it is awesome- your amazing.

melonamc said...

So excited for you! 4 is the best!

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