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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mid-life Crisis

So last night a friend of mine implied that she has had enough of seeing Coco in her panties. So here goes a new post. Life for me has been strange lately. I think I am going through an early mid-life crisis. Can anyone relate? I am starting to recognize my own mortality and am feeling like I have so little time left. I know I sound morbid. I think I feel this way when I make my list of goals for the day and it has the following items...

Clean David's room
Clean up playroom, get rid of old toys (possibly organize a neighborhood toy exchange)?
Do 4 loads of laundry
Only let my kids watch 1 hour of TV
Make dinner, clean up main living area.
Scrub kitchen floor
Remember to apply Coco's medicine
Get Danny new Running Shoes - get them sent off.

That is truly what is on my list.

This is what I thought my list would like like when I was young

Pay the maid
8:00 a.m. appt. with Personal Trainer
Meet with publicist, stylist
Shop for gift for Dinner party
2:30 MET rehearsal
5:45 Audition for The Magic Flute
8:00 Dinner party with So and So

Right now, I'm not sure if I wouldn't trade one for the other.
I know...terrible.


Leah said...

Oh I hear ya my friend.

Laura Essendine said...

My goals look like yours. I swear that when I die, cause of death will be listed as "boredom". That's why I write - I'd never allow my characters to be tied to the ironing board.

Should be cleaning the kitchen now but got sidetracked by my laptop and your blog. We should both be polishing something!!!

Laura Essendine
Author – The Accidental Guru
The Books Limited Blog

Ellie McFreaken said...

As much as I loved seeing CoCo in her panties I loved this new post. About a year ago I felt like I was going through a mid Life crisis. That is when I finally started guitar lessons and now getting back into photography has renewed my self of being. We get so caught up in the day to day "bum wiping" that we forget who we are. Don't get me wrong I LOVE being a mother I just know that we need to have other things that use our talents and makes us better Mom's. I think that you doing PHotography will be awesome. I always wanted to learn how to paint and one day I just may!
I think you are a fabulously talented person and I think we all have those same feelings. I feel like life is going by too fast lately too.
Didn't mean to leave a whole essay!
Keep on keepin' on my friend!

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