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Monday, January 18, 2010

This past weekend I went to Boise to see my sister Katie's new baby and take as many pictures as we could fit in a one day trip/ She has such a beautiful family and lives on this gorgeous piece of property. Her little girl was due the same say as my Naomi but I had Naomi for 5 weeks before this little beauty came into the world. Enjoy! THe bottom one is of Naomi and Gwen. arent they adorable!









Lindy Johnson said...

Carrie, beautiful shots! I am so impressed that you went on a photo shoot with your tiny Naomi! Great work!

Jen said...

I love them! She is so precious! You guys look beautiful- and that land!

Laura said...

OK, LOVE your blog and your photos. I am laughing so hard at some of your Mom experiences. Glad to know I am not alone. You are hilarious!

kellibelli said...

So cute! you are amazing you are already out in the world! GO CARRIE! Iam sure I am going to be locked up in my house for at least 3 weeks!

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Carrie Elton Photography