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Monday, January 11, 2010

Gross post...not for the weak stomached

Hi, my name is Gabe. I drive my mom crazy. This is what I have been doing lately

Making giant messes (while wearing my borhters 5T jack-o-lantern shirt in January, the only shirt I will let my mom put on me without a fight)


Drinking toothpaste


and last but not least, producing mountain sized boogers and staring at them crossed eyed trying to figure out what the heck is on my face..



Lindy Johnson said...

okay, carrie, this is hilarious! i was seriously going to post tonight about what to do with my cranky willem! suddenly he hates getting dressed, he hates eating, he hates napping. grrr . . . any tips you care to pass along as a mother of 4??

Jen said...

Gabe right on bro-I often feel like I want to hit the bottle- or tube after a long day with my brothers, love bryce

mandmstrong said...

Love that little boogie face, so cute.

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