The morning started out like any other. I was reading other peoples blogs while my children ate their breakfast. Coco drank all the milk out of her cereal as usual, but then she added an extra step and true to her propensity for dumping things out, all the sticky, shriveled cheerios ended up on the table and floor.
(See Picture 1.A)
So just clean it up Carrie, you say. Oh yes I agree that would have been the easiest and most heartache avoiding thing to do but I, who like to make my life as a mother as difficult as possible...decided to make Coco clean it up.
This is what ensued....
Me:COc we need to clean up the cheerios. Can you help Mama clean them up?
Coco: No Mama (while making this face...see picture 1.B)
Me: Singing the Barney song, "Clean up clean up, everybody everywhere!!"
Coco: Coco no clean up, Mama (while dumping out those I had put in the bowl)
Me:Coco, do you want a time out?
Coco: Ya, mama
Me: Ok lets go sit on the stair. When you are ready to clean up you mess you can get off.
Coco: (makes a very bizarre screeching sound that only those who know her will be able to imagine, to show her displeasure)
2 minutes go by (the time suggested by every stay at home mom's idol, Supernanny)
Me: Coco are you ready to clean up your cheerios?
Coco: No, Mama (again grabbing the bowl and throwing it)
Me: Coco, Do you want a spanking?
Coco: Yes, Mama
(Dangit, I really don't do spankings and I thought the threat of it would be enough)
Me: But Coco, Mama doesn't like to give you spankings. Can you help me clean up the cheerios?
Coco: No, Mama
Me: Ok let's go back on time out.
Coco: ok, mama
This sequence was repeated approximately 15 times.
Then this happened
10 minutes later I had to wake her up because she had a poop.
Me: Are you ready to clean up the cheerios now?
Coco: no answer
I took that as possibly.
I took her over to the mess and pressed her hand against the cheerios. A few attched and I scraped them off over the bowl.
Coco: giggle...giggle
Me: See, it's fun to clean up you mess.
Halfway trough she started sticking them to her fingers and putting them in the bowl.
After it was all done. I danced with her around the dining room table for a full five minutes.
Mama: Yeah!!! Coco did it! Coco did it etc etc etc...
Coco: Coco deed eet!!!! Coco deed eet!!!!! (That's how she says did it)
And that I tell is one for the Elton Family history books.
Update: Since that incident we have had many more opportunities for Coco to obey and I am happy to report after many short lived stare downs, she actually obeys.
Man, I love this girl.....
i love this story! i was less concerned about coco, and more impressed that you were able to be so consistent to get her to clean up the dang cereal! sometimes, it's way easier to just do it yourself, but you are doing it the right way by teaching her to obey at a young age!
what a cute little sleeper! Lesson learned (hopefully)....hooray!
Sweet little darling! And what a good mom you are. I think I would have either cleaned it up or lost it... These little girls are definately the most challenging.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! You commented on Adobe and how difficult it can be. Boy, do I agree. My sister has the full version, though, and she does some amazing things with pictures. (My favorite: an action that skin look perfect and's incredible!) Someday...I'll save up the money for the full version. Until then, I'll use Elements. (I have the trial version which doesn't seem to be expiring for some reason.) Love your story about your daughter. I have a 2 year old son who does the same thing. Once he thinks he is finished with food, he immediately dumps it on the floor. I admit, sometimes I'm lazy momma and just clean it up. I commend you for taking the time and addressing the situation. These instances will probably become much fewer and farther between. Take care!
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