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Monday, May 3, 2010

My favorite photo to date....

Every once in a while and I mean every once in a very great while, what the heck I'm sure I have never had a moment like the one I felt after processing this photo. I just thought, I should throw in the towel and be done with photography, because how will I ever be able to top this? THen I realized I think that because it's my own kid in the picture. So bring on the kids people I want to make you feel that way too.


pieface said...

Look at that handsome little devil!! What a sweetie. I wish we could see him. I swear, he and Tate could be brothers - I just see lots of resemblances.
Don't throw in the towel. Please and thank you.

mandmstrong said...

Timeless and beautiful. He is so adorable.

kellibelli said...

oh that is so cute!

kellibelli said...

Carrie is does making the pics big a one time fix or everytime you upload a new one?

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