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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's official, I am super fat...


I have been practicing (if trying it twice for 8 minutes a time) to capture sun rays in my photos. It is a lot harder than it looks to get definition in faces while still having the aperture high enough to capture the blinding light of the sun. Anyways, not interesting to those who are not interested in photo stuff.

On a more interesting note, I have already gained 37 pounds this pregnancy. If I was to go full term, which thankfully I do not, I would still have 12 weeks to go. At the rate I am going I would gain 55 pounds. Scary. With Gabe I gained 19 pounds total. This pregnancy has been so different both in feeling and circumstance. Our family has been going through a lot of changes/challenges.

1. Gabe has turned into a monster child in every respect; size and personality.

2. David started Kindergarten (which almost sent me over the proverbial emotional edge. NO, not because I couldn't handle my firstborn going off to nothing sappy like like, I was counting down the days...we just hit a few snags I did not anticipate...that thankfully have been resolved.

3. James Started School...strange I would put this third....which reminds me, I am supposed to be editing his final research paper.

4. Coco...oh Coco, there is not enough space afforded me by blogger to record all the grief that girl puts me through.

5. I have developed a serious aversion to all things having to do with laundry. In an effort to make you feel better about your life and housekeeping skills, I would post a picture of my disaster of a laundry room. But I am too lazy.

6. The final reason I have am now officially huge, which is the only real reason and not excuse, is that I cannot stop stuffing my face. Yup, that't it folks, no I'm not retaining water, I don't have toxemia (although my liver is going downhill every day) it's just plain old's making me fat...

At my last Dr's appt. , he had the gall to bring it to my attention. I politely told him, I would appreciate any advice he had that was gleaned from his past pregnancies and challenges as a stay at home mother. I would love to describe for you his face when I said that, but you and I both know I didn't actually say that, sometimes, a very few sometimes I wish people could read what I was thinking instead of what I had the courage to say. What? that would be totally crazy and I take it back...


Lindy Johnson said...

oh, carrie, i can relate! i always get really fat when i get pregnant (mostly because food is my only friend), but luckily i insist on only seeing FEMALE obgyns and they have been much more understanding about the weight thing. so, when are you having this baby? you're in the home stretch, girl!
and, i'm curious about the kindergarten snags--what happened?

Jen said...

This really made my day.

Jackson Family said...

It's posts like this that make me miss you so much. AND they remind me of how much I love you. Hang in there!!!

pieface said...

Carrie!! You're hilarious. You're almost there!!! Now if you don't mind - I'm going to go get myself some donuts (and I'm NOT pregnant, so don't worry. It just seems fitting somehow.

In the Hartland said...

Love your honesty! I gained a whoppin' 45 lbs. with Lia and got many a lectures along the way. Thankfully, I lost it all within four, TAKE THAT DOC!! Don't worry, you'll lose it all afterwards and look like the hottie again that I see in your family picture at the top of your blog. Hang in there. And, the laundary can's not going to go anywhere.
On a different note, did James go back to get his MBA? Dit moi.

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