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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

David's first Soccer game....

Last night was tough. I took David to his first soccer game. Mind you they had not had any practices and he has never played before. But there were other kids on the field who had played in past years. Those of you who know David can imagine how the game went. Now I am going to record this so that hopefully at the end I can be laughing about it as yet another painfully funny thing I have to go through as a mother. Which there seems to be a lot of these days. Anyway, David was doing great, running after the ball like the rest of the kids for the first 10 minutes and then he started to realize that he wasn't ever touching ball while getting knocked down. And he sat down in the middle of the field, put his head in his knees and cried. So I though, great this is over- let's go. Nope he got up and tried again. This happened 4 times. Finally, he came over and sat by me, never to go in again. Yet he didn't want to go home. And he wants to go again next next time? This child is glutton for punishment. An suggestions anyone? I could really use some....


A and R said...

Of course he wants to go back, he's an awesome kid! I'm impressed! Not giving up that easily Mom!
He has to start somewhere right?
Is kindergarten going ok?

Jackson Family said...

Wow, I'd have given up. He's amazing. I think the best thing you can do is practice with him so that he becomes more confident in his abilities and is excited to go and try to do what he's learned at his games. Weird that they don't have practices....

mandmstrong said...

What a guy! I think it is so great that he didn't want to quit. Hope that it goes better next game.

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