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Friday, August 21, 2009

A Sad Sad day...


My Gabe is too quickly leaving babyhood to join the rank of little boy. And I'm not dealing so well. All in one week he has figured out how to get out of his crib, sit up on a stool to eat, insist on feeding himself, regularly pick his little nose and the worst part, got his hair cut.

What am I going to do when all my babies are past this stage and I have no more. Maybe I'll be so tired by then that I will be overjoyed that they all have left the baby stage. I can't imagine that happening. Gabe just ran to me for kisses while his diaper made that swishing noise that only a full diaper can make. Its moments like these I never want to lose.

It is so strange, in the morning I have a renewed vigor for motherhood..then by four o' clock I want to run screaming out of the house and quit this job all together. It's the only job that really is not an option, maybe if it was I wouldn't consider it so much? Like playing the piano when I was younger, when my mother really gave me the chance to quit, I wouldn't want to.

Maybe that's the trick with motherhood. Give yourself the option to walk away at anytime and you will realize how much you really love it and won't want to leave. If you don't relate to this post at all, please pretend you never read it and that I love being a mother at all times...

p.s. sometime I like to do funky things with photos, what do you think of the greeish hue. It kind of makes it look like it was taken in the seventies...


mandmstrong said...

Oh Carrie, I think I have said at least 10 times in the past few weeks that I want to quit being the Mom :) Cool, fun aunt sounds good.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I've always said if I had one girl I would have to try for another because every girl needs a sister. I'm so happy for you and your sweet family.

Lindy Johnson said...

carrie, i can totally relate to 4pm "i've had it"! i seriously don't know how folks with 8 kids do it (can you ask your sister for me)?

In the Hartland said...

Long time, no anything! So good to get caught up on your life! Congrats on the news of a little girl. Here's to finally having a child that looks like you! ;-) Good luck with everything...especially that itching!

Jen said...

so sad! oh I miss his locks already.

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