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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Vintage Bum


Last night, after the 3 monsters, I mean God given children, went to bed, I played around with some vintage effects just for fun. I can't see myself really using this in a professional photography setting (unless requested) but it is fun to see what can be done. I left it with a vintage effect because it doesn't look quite so risque. I am counting on this picture making me a lot of money someday when Gabe is a world class pianist. Wait, that would require me to fork out a ton of moolah, shed blood, sweat and tears to get him to practice, and drive him back and forth to lessons for the next 18 years. I know, I put my mother through it. I think we'll do t-ball instead. That will serve him in life just as well, no? Any guesses why he doesn't have a diaper? It's a bit of a sore spot for me.

p.s. please don't judge me for the 12 commas in the first sentence, I never really learned how to properly use them. Sorry Lindy.


Ellie McFreaken said...

OMG!!!! I love this picture...It's pictures like thses that I want plastered all over my walls...not so much the posed ones.
Carrie I *ADORE* this photo, Bum and all!!!

Ellie McFreaken said...

PS comma~Schmomma! I know how to spell pretty dang well but you wouldn't be able to tell from blogging.....

mandmstrong said...

LOVE it!

A and R said...

now I'm curious, why doesn't he have a diaper?

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