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Friday, May 15, 2009

Feeling old


Kerri said... are amazing! Really!!! Trust me when I say that as mom's we've all been there...feeling like you are right now. In fact, I look at YOU and wonder how YOU do it.
Try not to compare because you are a wonderful mom and woman!!! Always remember that!!!

A and R said...

That's why I just stick with being a Mom, and let all "those women" do their "stuff". I'm happy just being a Mom.

My niece just had her second baby too! At least we can be old together!

Very cute pics by the way!

In the Hartland said...

Okay, first things can't go on thinking you are old. We have the rest of our lives to feel old. Enjoy your 30s!! We are still young in comparison to the 60 and 70 and 80 year old women of the world (oh, woops, there I go comparing to others).
And, as for developing a serious hobby while you have three little ones still at home full-time....that's way more than I ever will do. My philosophy is to make my child (and hopefully children to be) my hobby right now. I figure that this time will go by so fast and before I know it they will all be in school, now is the time to enjoy them as much as I can. Plus, I'm convinced that all "those other women" are all on the brink of nervous breakdowns! :-)

mandmstrong said...

You are so talented, I really wish you could pop on over to my house and take pictures when my new baby gets here.

Katy said...

Carrie and Amber - my oldest niece just had her second baby yesterday and they named him Larry. That is the ONE name I claimed but as I have no baby boys to give it to let alone a husband, I can't really do anything about it.

Try being old without a baby named Larry!

Morris Five said...

Oh sister I hear you loud and clear. I turn 32 next week and I keep thinking you have to be kidding me there is no way I am going to be 32 b/c that does seem so old. Aaron asked me just yesterday why I don't have any hobbies and I said to him who has time for that when you have 3 crazy kids you can hardly keep track of. You are brave for even attempting to have one!!!

Lindy Johnson said...

you (we) are NOT old! we are in the prime of our lives!! i struggle with this issue of pursuing hobbies and work and trying to mother small children,too! in the last few months when i haven't been working part-time, i can honestly tell you that i am so much happier and less stressed out! there will be plenty of time for me to seriously pursue other hobbies and work, but for right now i just want to concentrate on enjoying my babies. this isn't to say that you shouldn't pursue hobbies--maybe just try to do them after the kids go to bed? it's always hard to achieve that balance, but i know that you are a wonderful mama!!

Leah said...

You did an awesome job! The only time I get to myself to work on this type of stuff is naptime/quiet time, and at night. Frustrating, but that's how it's going to be for a while.

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