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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A motherhood Moment

This morning as I was feeding Gabe I looked over and watched Coco eating her breakfast. Suddenly I was overcome with an absolute deluge of emotion that was so strong I actually felt tears coming. I was so overcome with love for this little person. Then I looked at Gabriel and David and I just felt an indescribable power in my heart. I have been given the mortal repsonsibility of teaching and loving these children. Of course I got out my camera to immortalize the picture for years down the road when I have long forgotten this moment. And to top off this experience, when I pointed the camera, this is what Coco did. Can you stand it? I can't. She got this move from her Aunt Jenny ( Have you had moments like this? Gotta go, They are finished with breakfast now, it's story time.

Um... Isn' this the cutest little girl you have ever seen, except that's not a girl.....yes thats Gabe, James put Coco's shirt on him last night.


Jen said...

Your kids are so cute Carrie. It is sad but sometimes Ladd has to tell me to hold my head up when we take pictures. Gabe is getting so big and David looks just like you! He has your exact expressions sometime.

mandmstrong said...

What a great moment to remember. Thanks for the great example in taking time for the little things.

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