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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Postpartum poundage

I promised myself I would seriously go on a diet today. So I woke up, took a pain killer for my back (I am on my way to becoming an addict), ate a banana, patted myself on the back for my healthy choice, then ate 2 fudgsicles, (sp?) got mad at myself for eating them, then ate 6 target macaroons. AAAGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!


JACK-A-JAME? said...

How did you know this is the story of my life? Why is something so simple so difficult?

JACK-A-JAME? said...

How did you know this is the story of my life? Why is something so simple so difficult? Gabe is so adorable He is looking more and more like David!

Lindy Johnson said...

wait--you are so skinny! i was going to ask your advice on how to slim down because i've got some SERIOUS poundage to lose.

Katy said...

You know what I'm going to say... DON'T DIET!!!!

The Elton Family Times said...

I was waiting for that katy

Hawkins Family said...

Glad to know someone else has the same problem as me! Hopefully once the baby is here I can get serious, uh, is that possible?

melonamc said...

I think I've decided I will stay fat until I'm done having babies... because the minute I loose the weight, I'll just get pregnant again.
At least that is my excuse for today.

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